Our Mission

“Ser Mudança” is a non-profit organization focused on cooperation for human development througt arts, in the areas of non-formal education, health, culture, audiovisual production and dissemination, awareness campaigns, and promotion of projects for the inclusion of minorities, environmental sustainability, and the fight against social stigmas.

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Our Projects

Discover which of our projects you would like to implement in your community and get in touch with us.
50 years of Guinea-Bissau’s independence

× During the celebrations of Guinea-Bissau´s 50th anniversary of independence, we invited actress Rita Loureiro to recite poetry by Amílcar [...]

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A future with better health

× A clear portrait of the objectives and achievements of Ianda Guiné! Saudi. This is the aim of this institutional [...]

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50 years of Guinea-Bissau’s independence

× During the celebrations of Guinea-Bissau´s 50th anniversary of independence, we invited actress Rita Loureiro to recite poetry by Amílcar [...]

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A future with better health

× A clear portrait of the objectives and achievements of Ianda Guiné! Saudi. This is the aim of this institutional [...]

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