Ser Mudança continues its mission to contribute to the rescue of the cultural identity of Guinea-Bissau and is once again committed to the goal of recording and disseminating all the wealth and cultural diversity of the country. In this context, the upcoming documentary emerges, with filming taking place between April and May of 2023 in Guinea-Bissau and in September and October in Portugal.
N’Teregu is a visual and auditory poem that tells and sings the history of the music of Guinea-Bissau. From Tina to the culture of the mandjuandadi, from the tabankas of the “griots” to the dance floors in Europe, this is a centuries-long journey that reveals where modern Guinean music comes from and where it is headed. Ancient musical instruments and unprecedented testimonials reveal the power of Guinea-Bissau’s music as a means of transmitting (Nteregu) values and knowledge between generations. A film that also reveals how women, thanks to Tina, the traditional Guinean instrument, sowed the cultural foundations of a nation and managed to abolish cultural differences, uniting many of the ethnic groups around music.
This project is a way of thanking the Guineans who allowed us to make the multi-award-winning film Nturudu – A Carnival Without a Mask. Like this documentary, which took the Carnival of Guinea-Bissau to the four corners of the world, we intend to create a new work that will also introduce Guinean music to the world in all its diversity and wealth. Given the lack of a national inventory of the cultural and intangible heritage of Guinea-Bissau, and considering the strong commitment of national authorities to start this collection through music, this documentary film aims to contribute to the internal recognition of local creativity, the recognition of music in identity processes, and its role as a social cohesion element and promoter of peace.
The project already has some partners that have allowed the realization of the entire filming phase, and it is now in a phase of fundraising and seeking potential partners for the film’s post-production. If you feel called to contribute to this project, just send us an email at geral@sermudanca.pt.
O projeto conta já com alguns parceiros que permitiram a concretização de toda a fase de rodagem, estando agora numa fase de angariação de financiadores e potenciais parceiros para a pós-produção do filme. Se sente o apelo de contribuir para este projeto basta enviar-nos um email geral@sermudanca.pt.